I told you I am and I do a couple of things. Through this page you can immediately check some of those facts.

Webmaster Fact Check

Usually, I build by myself all the websites of the projects I'm working on.
I know some code languages and programming languages.
This website, for example, has been developed thanks to the Bootstrap framework.
Check some websites I've worked on through the Portfolio page.

SEO Fact Check

I have worked on SEO stuff since 2001. And I love to share with the Community all my knowledge. As a matter of fact, I am one of the Google Product Experts for the Italian Webmaster Community. I have helped thousands of people since 2012.
Here is my Google Product Expert Profile
Here are, instead, some posts where I have sorted out some SEO troubles online.

Radio Scientist Fact Check

I created my first Internet Radio Stations in early 2000.
Check it out: date of domain registration - archive of the website versions
I'm still running the main Italian Internet Radio Stations Association helping radio lovers running their own radio projects online.
I'm testing new ideas online through the Musitaly's Project. Stay Tuned ;-)

Journalist Fact Check

I wrote my first article talking about radio for the magazine of the high school I have attended.
I founded my first magazine in 2005
I am an Italian Independent Journalist
Listen to me @ Do You Speak Tech?

Italian/English Fact Check

If you want to verify my level of Italian and English, please listen to me for the Italian here and for the English here.

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